Summer Pedestrian Accidents

Home | Pedestrian Accidents | Summer Pedestrian Accidents

Summer is just beginning and Texas is heating up. It’s time to float the river, spend time with friends and family and enjoy yourself! Whether you are relaxing, adventuring, or sightseeing, we want to remind you to stay safe out on the roads. Even though you are not in a car, you can still be involved in a motor vehicle accident. Pedestrian safety is often overlooked by drivers and even by the pedestrians themselves. Read our tips below to help you have a safe summer!

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents are more common than you think. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, in 2016 there were a total of 678 pedestrian fatalities, which is a 21.5% increase from pedestrian fatalities in 2015. Most pedestrian accidents are commonly cause by drivers who are speeding, have been drinking, and drivers who are distracted. Drivers under the influence and drivers whom are distracted are failing to see that there are pedestrians in the way. Drivers who are speeding are impacting their reaction time. By the time they see you, they may not be able to appropriately react to the situation. Be sure that you are alert and aware of your surroundings when walking outside. Be sure to always look both ways before crossing and be sure to cross at designated cross walks.

Crosswalk Safety
Always use designated crosswalks if available.

Stay Visible

Always make yourself visible when walking outside. Use the sidewalks and designated cross walks to help keep you safe.  Take extra care at night and use well-lit paths. It’s also a good idea to wear bright or high-visibility clothing. If you’re in a rural area, and there is no sidewalk, walk in the direction of oncoming traffic, so that drivers will be able to see you.

Accidents are most common at peak traffic times, which tend to be during the summer vacation months. During the summer, many of us are more inclined to stay out late and catch up with friends in the evening. If you’re planning to stay out late and you’ve had a drink, don’t attempt to walk home, especially if the route isn’t geared towards pedestrians. If there are no street lights or sidewalks your risk for not being visible to drivers is greater. Think about arranging a ride share with a friend or call a cab. If you’ve been drinking you should always consider a sober ride home. Be mindful that your reaction time maybe be slower so a sober driver can help keep you safe.

Right Of Way

Most people assume that pedestrians have right of way all the time. Pedestrians assume that vehicles are going to yield to those crossing the street. However, right of way for pedestrians was intended for situations where a person is at a crosswalk and given the signal to walk across. Crosswalks are the only place a pedestrians should be crossing the street. When pedestrians cross at points other than a crosswalk, they are jaywalking. Pedestrians are not guaranteed a safe crossing and right of way  if they do not have a crosswalk and a signal to cross.

Davis Law Firm is Here 4 You!

Should you find yourself injured in an accident you can always contact us at (210) 444-4444, (956) 444-4444 or (361) 999-9999. Davis Law Firm is here 24/7 for you! Our team of legal representatives offer free initial consultation. Remember to take safety precautions, look both ways before crossing, watch for pedestrians and children at play, and never drink and drive. As always, we here at Davis Law Firm want you to stay safe.

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