Looking Both Ways – Pedestrian Accidents in San Antonio

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Looking Both Ways

During our youth, most of us can probably remember being told to always look both ways before crossing the street. Since then, that piece of advice plays in our head every time we take that first step off the sidewalk, like a voicemail reminder. We are taught to look left and right to make sure there is no traffic coming in our direction and have enough time to safety walk, or speed-walk, across the street.

Even so, being a pedestrian in a big city can be life threatening as traffic speeds by you while you make your way on foot. The rapid growth of technology means that we are in a rush more than ever, while also being more distracted. This can create dangerous situations for both pedestrians and motorists.


San Antonio – One of the Deadliest U.S. Cities for Pedestrians

The National Complete Streets Coalition, an arm of Smart Growth America, published a report in 2014 titled, “Dangerous by Design.” The study viewed 51 metro areas and rated them using the Pedestrian Danger Index, which represents how likely a person is to be killed based on the number of deaths per every 100,000 residents and the percent of people who travel by foot in each city.

In their report, they outlined the 20 most dangerous cities for pedestrians. San Antonio ranked 18th on the list.

There were 373 pedestrian deaths in San Antonio, TX, from 2003-2012. From 2008-2012, San Antonio’s annual pedestrian danger index was 96.87! However, these figures only record pedestrian deaths and not injuries.

A total of 45,284 people were killed in pedestrian accidents between 2003 and 2012 in the U.S.

Walking in San Antonio

The most common causes of pedestrian accidents in San Antonio are:

  • A failure by drivers to check for pedestrians in crosswalks
  • Drivers failing to stop at stop signs or lights
  • Texting and other driver distractions
  • Drivers choosing to make turns without paying attention to their surroundings
  • Speeding
  • Driving under the influence

Both pedestrians and motorists can be at fault for causing an accident, so both parties need to be aware of their surroundings. Whether it’s behind the wheel or walking the streets.

How to Avoid Pedestrian Accidents

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has stated tips for pedestrians to help prevent accidents when traveling on foot.

  • Whenever possible, cross the street at a designated crosswalk or intersection.
  • Increase your visibility at night by carrying a flashlight and wearing retro-reflective clothing.
  • It’s safest to walk on a sidewalk, but if one is not available, walk on the shoulder and face traffic


As for motorist, the most important tip is that you must avoid distractions when driving, especially when traveling through urban areas where a lot of people may be walking on the sidewalks or crossing the streets without warning.

Jeff Is Here 4 You

If you or a loved one has injured by a car or truck while crossing the street, Jeff is here for you! Davis Law Firm is here 24/7 to listen to your case. Our team of legal representatives offer free consultation, so you have nothing to lose in calling us. Don’t suffer another day, contact us today!

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