recent article from CNN Money stated that the Nation Bureau of Economic Research declared the recession ended in June of 2009. While that may be hard to believe it’s very apparent that many Americans are still feeling its effects and continue to struggle with debt. With so many bills from mortgage and car payments, to credit cards and loans it’s easy to seek out debt consolidation. Did you know that there are some consolidation companies out there that actually charge you an additional monthly payment to help consolidate your debt? You end up paying more money that way!

Wanting to minimize your debt through consolidation is a step towards rebuilding your financial future so sometimes we can be extremely vulnerable in these situations. Make sure you find a company who won’t take advantage of your current state by charging you a ridiculously high premium. One of the major red flags would be if they want to charge you upfront for the consultation. The top debt relief agencies do not charge for initial consultations and evaluations.

The key is to be extremely cautious when choosing who to use for debt consolidation. If you make the wrong choice you could end up with more financial stress for a very long time. Do some research and ask around. Most importantly though, don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Jeff Davis

Attorney at Law

Article source: 
Katelyn Denton