Car Accidents In Corpus Christi Texas

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You know what they say: everything’s bigger in Texas. Unfortunately, the same is true for road accidents, which can be particularly damaging in this state. For residents of Corpus Christi, the roads can often be a nightmare to drive on. It can be hard to keep safe on the roads, even when you drive as safely as you can. Something that always helps is to have more information; if you are able to pinpoint why accidents are happening, you can protect yourself much more effectively. With that in mind, let’s look into why Corpus Christi residents commonly get into road accidents.

Rear end distracted driver car accident
Car accidents can happen at any moment but awareness of bad habits can help keep you safer!

Inebriation: Drunk Driving Accidents

One of the most common causes of car accidents in Corpus Christi is inebriation. Everyone knows that driving under the influence is dangerous, but still it remains one of the most likely causes of many of the accidents in Texas and elsewhere. This inebriation doesn’t have to be alcohol, of course – increasingly, it might also be the result of other drugs and narcotics, which can be dangerous when you are a road user. When you’re involved in an accident with a drunk driver we recommend you consult with an attorney. The financial distress can be particularly damning.

Distraction: Distracted Driver Accidents

We all get a little distracted from the road from time to time. This can be because of a loud noise, inside or outside of the car, or it might be another person or another driver doing something unexpected. It could even be the radio, or your cell phone. Whatever it is that causes the distraction, it is one of the most dangerous things that can happen while you are driving. If you are distracted at the wrong moment, or for slightly too long, it can even be fatal. Drivers in Corpus Christi should take special care to try and not be distracted as they drive – this will result in many fewer accidents in Texas.

Speeding: Reckless Driver Accidents

Clearly, we all know someone who has been guilty of speeding. But it’s no laughing matter – speeding is the third most common reason that Corpus Christi residents get into accidents on the road. Clearly, to drive a little slower would make a huge difference to the state’s car accident statistics. Lots of people find themselves speeding more than is necessary, and it happens to be one of the biggest causes of deaths on the road in Texas. Slowing down is definitely the way to go. Reckless driving is illegal in Texas and can cost you your CDL license as described in Texas Transportation Code 522.081.

Running: Red Light Accidents

If you have ever accidentally run through a red light, you’ll know what a heart-stopping moment it truly is. As it turns out, a surprising number of people end up doing this in Corpus Christi and other parts of Texas. This is a problem because it places you at risk of getting in to an accident. Given the statistics on road accidents in Corpus Christi it is best you stay alert and abide by the laws of the transportation code. Know that Texas Department of Transportation has red light cameras that detect motor vehicles that pass sensors after a signal has turned red. By paying closer attention, the likelihood of running a light will massively decrease – and that will aid keep you safe on the roads.

As always, should you need our assistance we are here 4 you  24/7 to listen to your case. Our team of personal injury legal representatives offer free consultations at no risk to you. Jeff Davis is the Corpus Christi Texas Personal Injury Attorney that is here 4 you! Contact us today! We have offices in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, McAllen, Harlingen, Brownsville and Waco, Texas! Text and/or call the 4’s and 9’s! SA (210) 444-4444 RGV (956) 444-4444 Corpus (361) 999-9999

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