Wal-Mart Lawsuit Struck Down by Supreme Court
On Monday, June 20th the United States Supreme Court 5 to 4 ruling overturned the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decisions in Wal-Mart vs. Dukes. This case was a massive class-action gender discrimination case against retail giant and the nation’s largest employer, Wal-Mart. The case began over ten years ago in San Francisco when seven […]
Wrongful Dismissal and Your Rights
Wrongful dismissal is also known in the world of employment and human resources as wrongful discharge or wrongful termination – all of which are completely illegal. So what are your legal rights with respects to a wrongful termination in the workplace, and under what situations is it wrong to be terminated under laws in your […]
Hostile Workplace Environment and Employment Law
Hostile workplace lawsuits take place each and every day, unfortunately. Differing in some ways from that of direct sexual harassment, a hostile workplace is generally the creation of an uncomfortable environment in which to work. There are many ways in which an employer, supervisor or general entity can make an individual in the workplace feel […]
The Legal Rights of Whistleblowers
Whistleblowers stand up against illegal or dishonest acts on the part of their employer, co-workers, supervisors or management, to the public. External whistleblowers will speak out on the misconduct of an entity outside of their employment that they have found to be dishonest or unethical with respects to the law. This can include entities relating […]