Bankruptcy Attorney Fees and Payment Plans
If you’re thinking about hiring a bankruptcy attorney, you may be wondering how much their services will cost, how you can pay them, and how they can help out in your financial and debt situations. The good news is that hiring and working with a bankruptcy attorney is one of the most affordable and simple […]
With Bankruptcy, Sooner is better
Filing for bankruptcy can be intimidating, especially for people who have always been financially secure. There are quite a few reasons why people put off filing for bankruptcy; denial, embarrassment or maybe they consider bankruptcy a final option. Waiting, however, can cause more stress and more financial strain on you and your family. While bankruptcy […]
Personal Bankruptcy for Small Business Owners
The economy has been hard on all of us; small and large businesses alike have felt the effects. Most often, the news focuses on corporate bankruptcies and large company debts, when small businesses are struggling as well. So what happens to a small business when the owner is facing personal bankruptcy? Do they have to […]
The different types of bankruptcy explained
There are four types of bankruptcy: chapter 7, 11, 12, and 13. They are named depending on their chapters in the United States Bankruptcy code. The types differ based on the debtor, the debtor’s income, and the methods used in repaying the debts. Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy are for individuals seeking to settle their […]
Explaining Your Bankruptcy
Hard times fall on many people, especially in a recession or bad economy. Filing for bankruptcy has been the saving grace for many of these financially frustrated individuals. While filing for bankruptcy can be a huge relief to those in debt, many people feel they don’t know how to explain their bankruptcy to family, creditors […]
When Caring For Your Parents Leads To Medical Bankruptcy
There comes a time in every individual or couple’s life wherein the tables are turned, and it becomes a time to take care of your parents. Whether your parents are within an assisted living center, a full time nursing home or if you are personally caring for them within your own home, the task can […]
Filing For Bankruptcy After A Serious Injury or Illness
If you have suffered from a recent injury or illness and have received medical bills in the mail, you know how financially devastating they can be. Medical treatment is not inexpensive, and when considering that of a serious injury with ongoing treatment, your finances can go from great to nonexistent in a matter of only […]
Medical Bill Statistics
Dealing with an injury can be mentally, emotionally and financially straining on you. In addition to lost time and wages at work, the medical bills begin to pile up quickly. Anyone who’s been hospitalized can agree that a serious injury will seriously set you back-sometimes years of financial savings. In many cases the where the […]
Bankruptcy or Foreclosure, What Should I Do?
In the current economy, there are many people who are beginning to fall behind on payments. When you fall behind on payments on your house, your mortgage lender has the right to file an action of foreclosure against you. In a way, this is similar to what would happen if you defaulted on your automobile […]
Lien Stripping in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
As the economy and housing market has declined many Americans have found that their house is worth much less than they owe on it. This can be discouraging if you are struggling to make your mortgage payments or considering filing for bankruptcy. Fortunately, there is an old technique known as “lien stripping” or “mortgage stripping” […]