Families of Elite Olympians Often Have Ordinary Financial Problems

To the television viewer, Olympic athletes seem to be on top of the world. They are young, strong and highly skilled in their sports, with bright futures beckoning. But most athletes come from ordinary families with ordinary financial struggles. For example, the mother of a gold medal-winning gymnast filed for bankruptcy to help keep her […]

Secured vs. Unsecured Debt: What You Should Know

Whether you considering bankruptcy or not, it’s important to know the difference between different types of debt. The kind of debt you have can affect your credit score, how much money you can borrow, and the interest rates of those loans. This post will describe the difference between secured and unsecured debt? Here is what […]

Credit Card Debt Down for Many, Thanks to Bankruptcy Filings

Many a bad joke begins with the words,” I have good news and bad news.” The punchlines that follow vary widely in quality, but we all understand the good news / bad news format. Credit card debt is no joke, however, and the good news and the bad news are intertwined. The good news is […]

Creating and Keeping an Emergency Fund Can Be Tough

Create an emergency fund. Financial counselors are very clear on this point. They want us all to have at least several hundred dollars socked away to deal with unexpected needs. In fact, many counselors believe the fund should have more than a few hundred dollars. Some say it should be big enough to cover your […]

Cast a Cold Eye on Credit Card Consumption

What are some of the warning signs that credit card debt is starting to be a problem for you? Maybe you started using your Visa or another card for ordinary purchases like gas or food, thinking you could pay off the balance in full at the end of the month. But what you found is […]

Consumer Debt Grows Along With Income Inequality

Studies have shown that people spend much more when paying with credit rather than cash. And as time goes on, there is a cumulative effect to this. The balance starts to grow, and suddenly someone may be facing credit card harassment from bill collectors. For many people, however, living off of credit doesn’t necessarily mean […]

Personal Bankruptcy and Credit Card Debt

One thing that is never certain is the economy. In the last few years, the economy has gone through some major changes that have made life extremely difficult for some people. The stock market has been going up and down quickly and many people have been losing a lot of money, and the job market […]

New Rules on Discharge of Credit Card Debt in Bankruptcy Court

The economy is in a spot that it has not been in for a long time. The stock market is going crazy and the housing market is not much better. Many people have recently found themselves upside down on their homes. This combined with the fact that many people are out of work means that […]

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