4 facts the RGV didn’t know about Jeff Davis

  1.   Jeff Davis’s mother grew up in Harlingen, Texas and is a proud graduate of Harlingen High School.

    Jeff Davis visits Davis Law Firm Harlingen Office on August 28th, 2018.
  2.   Jeff Davis was named Jeffrey Rollins Davis after his beloved Uncle Rollins M. Koppel who was a passionate and committed trial lawyer who practiced in Harlingen, Texas for over 50 years.

  3.   Jeff Davis is a third generation South Texan. Jeff’s family has been in South Texas since the late 1800’s.

  4.   Jeff Davis is here 4 the Rio Grande Valley community with offices conveniently located in McAllen, Harlingen and Brownsville, Texas.

Personal Injury Attorney Jeff Davis has deep roots in the Valley and is committed to serving the RGV community. If you are in the Valley and find yourself injured in an accident, you can always contact us at (956) 444-4444. Our bilingual team of personal injury legal representatives offer a free initial consultation. Davis Law Firm is here 4 you!