Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009
Injuries are the fourth leading causes of death for Nebraskans.
Unintentional and intentional injuries are the leading cause of years of life lost for Nebraskans.
In Nebraska, falls are the leading causes of all injury hospitalizations and outpatient treatment. Falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths.
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for person’s ages 4 through 33 years.
Suicide was the leading cause of injury death for individuals age 25-64 from 1999 – 2003.
A Nebraska Injury Prevention Advisory Committee was established to assist with the development of the Nebraska Injury Prevention State Plan 2004. The Injury Prevention Strategic Implementation Plan 2007 builds on the State Plan by further identifying specific strategies, action steps, and partners who can help implement the strategies.
The report, Injury in Nebraska 2005 is the most comprehensive review and analysis done to date by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. This report describes the leading causes of injury death and the leading causes of injury hospital treatment, including inpatient and outpatient. Injury Reports for Local/District Public Health Departments show injury rates across the state by public health jurisdiction.
Other recent data reports include the Nebraska Injury Surveillance Report 2004 which analyzed data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and the 2004 Report on Unintentional Fall Related Injuries in Children. Injury data reports, including traffic-related injuries are also available on the CODES page.
Recommendations for Suicide Prevention in Nebraska were developed in June, 2006. The recommendations were developed by a variety of stakeholders who attended a suicide prevention symposium. A Report on the Nebraska Suicide Prevention Symposium details the process that was used to develop the recommendations.
The Injury Prevention Program has developed a guide, Best Practices for Unintentional Injury Prevention. This guide includes proven strategies for preventing injuries related to falls, fire and burns, motor vehicles and poisoning, as well as preventing traumatic brain injuries.
The SAFE KIDS Nebraska Coalition works to prevent the leading cause of death and disability to children age 14 years and under: unintentional injuries. Coalitions and chapters have been established across the state. Emphasis is placed on education of both children and parents through media campaigns, direct education, and community events.