New Year Driving Resolutions – New You, Better Driver

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A new year means that millions of people are motivated to stick to their new year’s resolutions. Losing weight, seeking a promotion, getting organized are common resolutions, but what about improving your driving habits? Consumer Reports published a list of New Year driving resolutions aimed at improving your ability as a driver which in turn increases your safety behind the wheel.

Esurance also talked about driving safety resolutions stating that American drivers typically spend 101 minutes a day behind the wheel. Compare that to the fact that on average Americans only exercise 18 minutes a day, which means that we drive 5 times more than we exercise. Considering the fact that we spend so much time on the road it makes sense that we try to improve our driving skill. Getting rid of bad driving habits can be beneficial to your life, just as pledging to quit smoking or exercising more.


New Year Driving Resolutions

Here are a list of suggestions for driving resolutions for the new year that can help keep you and your loved ones safer on the road in 2017:

  1. Never drink and drive.Over 10,200 people died in drunk driving car crashes in 2015. If you plan on drinking, make sure you have a designated driver, Uber ride, or a cab company on speed dial.
  1. Not use my cell phone behind the wheel. Distracted driving causes more than 100,000 traffic accidents each year, in Texas alone! Now that multitasking has been debunked as just a myth it is time to realize that we cannot be texting or talking on the phone while driving.
  1. Drive the speed limit. Speeding was factor in over 32,000 car accident deaths in 2014. Modern technology continues to improve crash test ratings in vehicles, but they are not death-proof yet. High speed impacts can still cause serious injuries or fatal results even with seat belts and air bags.
  1. Always buckle up. Research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has found that nationwide seat belt use is at 86 percent, an all-time high. But, over 21,000 passengers died in motor vehicle accidents from serious injuries due to not wearing a seat belt. You probably already buckle up every time you get behind the wheel, but do you buckle up if you’re riding in the back seat? Make it a habit to buckle up every time you get inside a vehicle.
  1. Yield to pedestrians and bicyclists. Although the number of pedestrian accident deaths has been decreasing since 2001, the NHTSA reported 4,884 deaths in 2014. This resolution can be as simple as remembering to look both way before crossing an intersection whether you’re in a vehicle, on foot, or riding a bike.
  1. Always use a proper car seat.Children under age 8 should be secured in a proper car seat and all children under 12 should be in the back seat.
  1. Always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association stated that in 2014, 4,586 people died in motorcycle crashes. Of those deaths, 39 percent of those motorcyclists were not wearing helmets.
  2. Maintain your vehicle and tires. Scheduling regular tire inspections is the best way to avoid unexpected trouble on the road. Tires are the foundation your vehicle relies on to keep you safe while traveling, so don’t forget about them.

Jeff is Here 4 You

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a car accident Jeff is here for you. Davis Law Firm is here 24/7 to listen to your case. Our team of legal representatives offer free consultation at no cost to you! Jeff Davis is the San Antonio attorney that is here for you, so don’t suffer another day contact us today!

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