Know your options with credit card debt

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Yesterday marked the 56th anniversary of when charge cards were introduced to the public. Since 1958, the availability of credit cards to charge purchases has greatly impacted the buying landscape on a national and global level. However, while there have certainly been positives, many with credit cards also know about the negatives that can come with accumulating debt. 

At Davis Law Firm, we understand that most people are honest and hardworking and intend to pay their bills each month, on time. But, the truth is that this is just not always possible. Job loss, having to take a job that pays less, illness, a death in the family, or divorce are just some of the many unexpected events life can throw at a person, resulting in debt. When this happens though, know you are not alone and that there are often debt relief options available. 

One thing that is interesting to note, according to a recent article titled, “On 56th anniversary of credit cards, Feds say consumer debt at all-time high,” is that consumer debt is still pretty rampant. With the economy is slowly recovering from the most recent recession, it appears consumers are once again racking up debt. While at one point the recession had slowed credit card spending, people are once again borrowing. 

As mentioned above, this debt can be due to any number of reasons. Whatever the cause though, having debt can be stressful. There is often not only the internal want to pay everything off, but creditors may also be calling, demanding money that simply is not there.

This is why, at Davis Law Firm, we advise San Antonio residents with debt to call to speak with an attorney. We will listen to the specifics of your financial situation and provide information on what next steps may be possible. To learn more, visit our credit card debt page.

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