Boysville Clothing Drive – #DavisGivesBack

Home | Community Involvement | Boysville Clothing Drive – #DavisGivesBack

Sharing With The San Antonio Community

The Jeff Davis Law Firm is incredibly blessed that so many members of the San Antonio community placing their trust in our experienced team of lawyers. The Davis Law Firm admires the dedication that Boysville A Children’s Home has to providing and protecting the most vulnerable members of our community. This is a similar dedication we share helping the residents of South Texas who have been injured.

In partnership with Boysville, the Davis Law Firm was collect hundreds of new and gently used children’s clothing items, toys, and bedding. What is not used by the amazing children of Boysville will go to their Boysville Auxillary Thrift Store for sale to the public. You can show support of Boysville and their mission by both shopping in their auxillary store and by adding them as your Amazon Smile Store charity recipient.


This is all a part of our solemn commitment to give back to the community that we live in. #DavisGivesBack is a program we are proud of. In 2019, we’ve been able to give back to local organizations like BoysVille San Antonio, Good Samaritan Community Services, John Jay High School drama department. & KABB Christmas Comes Early.

Jeff is Here 4 You

Boysville is dedicated to helping the most vulnureable members of our community. The Jeff Davis Law Firm is equally dedicated to helping the injured people of South Texas. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an accident Jeff is here for you 24/7, all through the holidays, to listen to your case. Our team of legal representatives offer free consultations at no risk to you. Don’t wait to suffer another day contact us today! Call right now to 210-444-4444

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