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Traffic Deaths Increase by Largest Percent in 50 Years!

Home | Auto Accident | Traffic Deaths Increase by Largest Percent in 50 Years!

Traffic Deaths Increase by 7.2% Last Year

The results are in for 2015 and the numbers are shocking. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the death toll for auto accidents last year was 35,092 people. An increase of 7.2% from 2014. That’s 2,348 more deaths in one year making it the largest single-year percent increase in 50 years!

This unexpected increase ruined a 50 year long decline in traffic accident fatalities! In 2005, the death toll for traffic crashes was 42,708 people. Over the last decade, safety programs that promote the use of seat-belts and preventing impaired driving like, “Click It or Ticket” and “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” have been helping to lower the number of traffic deaths. Advances in automotive safety have also played a contributing factor in reducing traffic fatalities. Improved safety features like air-bags and electronic stability control are now standard in most modern vehicles.

Why Are There So Many Traffic Accidents?

The NHTSA response to the increase in traffic accident related deaths are linked to two factors, job growth and low fuel costs. Also including, an increase in leisure driving and new teen drivers. The vehicle miles traveled (VMT) increased in 2015 by 3.5%, the largest percent increase since 1990. More people driving on the road can lead to a higher fatality rate.

More Traffic Increases Motorcycle, Pedestrian and Cyclist Accidents

The fatality rate in pedestrian accidents and bicycle crashes have also increased to levels unseen by the NHTSA in 20 years! Deaths from motorcycle crashes also went up by 8%. According to the NHTSA, human factors contribute to the majority of traffic crashes. Factors like driving drunk, distracted, or drowsy; 1 in every 10 traffic deaths involves distraction.

Dr. Mark Rosekind, NHTSA administrator, spoke on this issue. “The data tell us that people die when they drive drunk, distracted drowsy, or if they are speeding or unbuckled. While there have been enormous improvements in many of these areas, we need to find new solutions to end traffic fatalities.”

The Plan to Stop Traffic Accident Deaths?

The Department of Transportation, the NHTSA, and the White House issued an unprecedented call to action to determine the leading factors for this sudden increase. The NHTSA plans to share its Fatality Analysis Reporting System with a collection of safety partners, state and local officials, technologists, data scientists, and experts. Private sector partners will also be working using new data collection technology to gain access to unprecedented amounts of information. Sharing technology and data among this collection of professionals will hopefully bring new solutions to this serious problem.

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