Bank seeks foreclosure on Texas property belonging to heirs

For residents of Texas who have been negatively impacted by the economy, home foreclosure is an all-too-real consideration. When faced with financial duress, it’s important for homeowners to understand their rights and options. Not every case must end in foreclosure. There are legal avenues, such as certain forms of bankruptcy and debt relief, that can […]

Texas residents, be wary of loan modification scams

Many Texas homeowners who are struggling to make their mortgage payments month after month may consider working with their lenders in order to obtain loan modifications. While this can be helpful in some cases, homeowners need to ensure that the terms really protect their interests. And, borrowers also need to make sure that the modification […]

Residential foreclosure update: data trend for Texas encouraging

One of the important threads we’ve been following in this blog is home foreclosure. The real estate crisis and the Great Recession that followed left huge numbers of homeowners underwater on their mortgages. Many of these homeowners have been unable to keep up with their payments, and there has been wave after wave of foreclosures […]

Foreclosure rates: how does Texas compare to other states?

The issue of home foreclosure and the role that bankruptcy can play in keeping foreclosure at bay is one of the recurring themes in this blog. Most recently, in our September 20 post, we wrote about how the late-payment rate for mortgage payments has been going down recently as more consumers make those payments a […]

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