Beware of Debt Collectors Who Try to Collect Old Debts

Debt collectors don’t get to do whatever they want. There are rules they are supposed to abide by – starting with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Credit card harassment and other illegal tactics are therefore not acceptable. And they are still widespread. Last year, the Federal Trade Commission received a record number of complaints about the tactics used […]

Feds Investigate ‘Robosigning’ in Credit Card Debt Collection

“Déjà vu all over again” is a phrase commonly attributed to the baseball great Yogi Berra. It can apply in many contexts – most recently in allegations of widespread improper conduct by credit card debt collectors at JP Morgan Chase. To a consumer bankruptcy attorney, this seems a lot like what Time magazine called “robosigner […]

Debt Collection Actions for Medical Bills Take Toll on Consumer Credit

In the wake of the Great Recession, the number of Americans being contacted by debt collection agencies has increased markedly. In 2005, before the recession, debt collectors contacted 22 million people about medical bills alone. By 2010, this had increased to 30 million, according to a When you talk to a consumer bankruptcy attorney, you […]

Social Media Sites and Bankruptcy

Social Media sites have changed more than just the way we socialize. Sites like Facebook and Twitter have recently helped given leads on wanted individuals and have assisted in arrests. Not only have law enforcement turned to social media to help unveil the secret lives of persons of interest, but lawyers are now using the […]

The Facts About Debt Collectors

Debt collectors can be harsh, and if you are on the verge of bankruptcy they can be brutally harassing you day in and day out. Did you know that debt collectors have to follow a set of guidelines with respects to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? Did you also know that if you file […]

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