Fighting back against debt collection threats

The debt collection industry is out of control. Indeed, it has been out of control for years. But consumers and their advocates, as well as government regulators, are increasingly fighting back. If you are struggling with the need for debt relief, you may have experienced unfair collection practices. You may even have experienced one or […]

Avoiding debt collection is not the same as debt relief

Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites have profoundly changed the way many Americans share information about their lives. But does that mean that it’s fair game for debt collectors to contact debtors on those websites? The answer is essentially no. But federal regulators realize they need to do more to prevent debt collectors from […]

Debt collectors and disclosure to third parties: law sets limits

Being in debt should not be a matter of shame. Many people face struggles in paying their bills. And there are many factors beyond a person’s control such as job loss or medical bills that can throw a family’s finances out of whack. Fortunately, we don’t live in a society that throws people in debtor’s […]

Pushing back when debt collection tactics go too far

The debt collection industry is notorious for unfair and even illegal tactics. If you are dealing with creditor harassment or similar issues, it’s important to know that you don’t have to put up with such tactics as constant late-night or early morning phone calls. State and federal laws place limits on the activities that creditors […]

Creditor harassment: debtors can push back

When it comes to the tactics that debt collectors are allowed to use, consumers need to know that some things just aren’t allowed. The main federal law on the subject, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, draws the line against deceptive and unfair practices. At the federal level, there is also the Deceptive Trade Practices […]

Feds Take Action Against Misleading San Antonio Debt Settlement Operation

When you are dealing with debt issues, it can get stressful. Indeed, that is often an understatement. For many people, it can get brutal. If you are in that situation, talking with a bankruptcy attorney about creating a debt relief strategy makes a lot of sense. An attorney can also explain how federal law provides […]

Fair Debt Collection and the Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy

If you are in need of debt relief, someone may have told you about something called the “automatic stay” – a type of immediate relief that a bankruptcy filing can bring. This post will describe some of the ways this relief can help protect you against debt collection efforts. First of all, it’s worth noting […]

Beware of Debt Collectors Who Try to Collect Old Debts

Debt collectors don’t get to do whatever they want. There are rules they are supposed to abide by – starting with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Credit card harassment and other illegal tactics are therefore not acceptable. And they are still widespread. Last year, the Federal Trade Commission received a record number of complaints about the tactics used […]

Feds Investigate ‘Robosigning’ in Credit Card Debt Collection

“Déjà vu all over again” is a phrase commonly attributed to the baseball great Yogi Berra. It can apply in many contexts – most recently in allegations of widespread improper conduct by credit card debt collectors at JP Morgan Chase. To a consumer bankruptcy attorney, this seems a lot like what Time magazine called “robosigner […]

Debt Collection Actions for Medical Bills Take Toll on Consumer Credit

In the wake of the Great Recession, the number of Americans being contacted by debt collection agencies has increased markedly. In 2005, before the recession, debt collectors contacted 22 million people about medical bills alone. By 2010, this had increased to 30 million, according to a When you talk to a consumer bankruptcy attorney, you […]

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