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Life on Two Wheels – The Risks of a Motorcycle

Home | Motorcycle Accidents | Life on Two Wheels – The Risks of a Motorcycle

Motorcycle Statistics

Motorcycles have a reputation for being seen as a life threatening means of transportation. In 2015 nearly 5,000 people died in motorcycle accidents and 88,000 were injured. But it is important to remember that any means of transportation can be life threatening: cars, boats, buses, trucks, airplanes, bicycles, even a skateboard. Most people see motorcycles as the most dangerous vehicle because anyone who rides a motorcycle is exposed to higher risk of danger from other vehicles sharing the road. Thankfully, modern technology on motorcycles like disc-brakes and ABS are making them safer. Safety gear like helmets and air bag vests aim to cut down on motorcycle related injuries for riders and their passengers.


Use Your Head to Wear a Helmet

Wearing a helmet can reduce a rider’s risk of dying a motorcycle accident by 37%! According to the IIHS, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, riders who don’t wear a helmet are 3 times more likely to sustain brain damage in the event of a crash.

Texas does have helmet laws but they come with exceptions. In Texas, riders under the age of 21 are required to wear a helmet, but any rider over 21 has an option. If they decide to take an advanced motorcycle riding course, and have sufficient health insurance, they can choose not to wear a helmet. Even though riders are encouraged to wear a helmet whenever they are on their motorcycle.

Airbag Vests

Crash test studies done by Honda showed that the airbag system reduces forward momentum by 62%, decreasing the chances of head trauma by 83%! Airbag vests will not completely protect a rider from injury, but it can be the difference between a minor injuries and a fatal motorcycle crash.

The airbag vest is made to slip-over a rider’s jacket and gear. Entry level vests are operated by a lanyard or cable that is attached to the bike. The other end is clipped to the rider’s vest before setting off. In the event that the rider falls off the lanyard, or cable, pulls the mechanism that releases the pin. That punctures the metal cap of a CO2 cylinder causing the jacket to inflate in a quarter of a second.

Motorcycle Accidents

Handling a motorcycle accident follows similar steps as with a car or truck accident. Check yourself and passenger riders for injuries. Call the police even if no one is seriously injured. Get insurance and contact information from other parties involved. Document the accident by taking notes of how it the accident occurred and photos. Having your own notes will be crucial when you contact a motorcycle accident attorney. A personal injury attorney will be able to assist you with your motorcycle accident.

Jeff is Here 4 You!

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident Jeff is here for you. Davis Law Firm is here 24/7 to listen to your case. Our team of legal representatives offer free consultation at no risk to you. Don’t let the negligence of others affect your well-being, contact us today!

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