3rd Annual Santa’s Helpers Toy Drive

Home | 3rd Annual Santa’s Helpers Toy Drive

Help support Guardian House in Davis Law Firm’s 3rd Annual Santa’s Helpers Toy Drive!

Santa's Helpers 2018 Toy Drive
3rd Annual Santa’s Helpers 2018 Toy Drive

Become a Davis Law Firm Santa Helper by donating a new unwrapped toy! Toys will be delivered to Guardian House on December 20th, 2018 where they will be gifted to children whose parents are trapped in conflict.

Davis Law Firm San Antonio will be accepting toy donations from December 6th through December 20th. Children from birth to age 17 participate at Guardian House. Toys, games, and books for all ages are welcome, as well as outdoor toys for use on the playground. Due to hygienic reasons, Guardian House cannon accept stuffed animals, cloth toys, pillows or blankets.

We invite you to drop off your toy donation at our San Antonio Davis Law Firm location: 10500 Heritage Blvd., Suite 102, San Antonio, Texas 78216

Children’s Bill of Rights

Guardian House believes in a Children’s Bill of Rights when parents are not together. The idea that every child has rights. The right to love both parents without feeling guilty, and having to choice one over the other. The right to a safe environment, and away from being stuck in the middle between a parental break-up. Most importantly, the right to be a child and not have to worry about the problems their parents are facing. Guardian House teaches and encourages children to never blame themselves for a parent break-up in order to avoid the emotional distress that comes with it.

Since 1997, Guardian House has continually increased services to meet the complex needs of local children who are struggling to cope with significant changes in their lives. Guardian House provides monitored exchanges, supervised visitation, parenting education and counseling. Guardian House dedicates themselves to ensure the best interest of the children will always come first.

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