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8 Things You Need To Know If You’ve Been In A Bike Wreck

Home | Motorcycle Accidents | 8 Things You Need To Know If You’ve Been In A Bike Wreck

How to Find the Right San Antonio Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Sadly, motorcyclists doing what they love get hurt by negligent drivers every day. Fortunately, the civil justice system is there to help you receive the compensation you deserve. However, you may feel the deck is stacked against you unless you have a strong, experienced, and responsive legal team like Davis Law Firm on your side.

In order to make sure you get the compensation and justice you deserve for your motorcycle accident, there are a few things you should do.

8 Things You Need To Know If You’ve Been In A Motorcycle Accident

1) Medical Help

First and foremost, if you have been hurt you need to see a doctor immediately. Even though you may feel like you have some bumps and bruises, insurance companies can argue that any injuries you discover later weren’t caused by the accident since you didn’t seek medical care immediately.

When you have a motorcycle accidnet, road rash is the least of your worries. Tumbling or sliding on the ground can cause internal injuries that take days to show up. Please, seek medical attention.

2) Evidence

Fortunately, more and more people ride with on-board video. So many motorcyclists ride with cameras on their bikes and helmets, evidence collection is much easier and will help you in your case. If you aren’t rolling video, chances are you have a phone with you.

If you can and you are in a safe place, take pictures of the accident scene. Also make sure to take pictures of your injuries and bruises as they begin to show.

3) Settling

With motorcycle accidents, you need to be extra cautious due to the nature of your injuries. Motocylce injuries can take a long time compared to a car accident to show up. The legal term for this is “a permanent and stationary status.” This is legal speak for saying that you are at least stable.

Most people understand that the desire to settle the case quickly, however, this desire can cause serious injuries to be not properly compensated for. This is a big reason why insurance companies push hard to settle fast.

4) Documentation

If you’re in a motorcycle wreck, you are probably going to miss work. If it’s a major wreck, you may be out of work for a very long time. It’s critical you get pay records from your employer from before the accident as well as an accurate accounting of all your benefits. This will allow a court of mediation panel to better determine the value of the time you miss from work. If you are an entreprenure and work for yourself, your documentation requirement are likely to be greater.

When you are talking to your doctors, it is also critical to get documentation about return to work orders and work restrictions. If the doctor does not freely give these to you, insist they make a note in your medical records of their medical advice.

5) Bike And Gear Value

Chances are, the insurance company will try to lowball you on the value of your bike. If, like most bikers, you’ve put a lot of love, care, and money into customizing your bike you will need to do some extra work. You need to detail all of the customizations and modifications that you did to your bike. Look for any old receipts (if you bought something online, you’re in luck since chances are they emailed a receipt to you) that you may have.

The same is true for the value of your helmet and clothing and any accessories you had damaged.

6) Honesty Is The Best Policy

Don’t lie. Period. Ulitmetly it will get found out and either be used to drastically reduce your payout or you could even face jail time.

7) Get The Right Team On Your Side

Having an strong, experienced, and responsive team on your side is one of the most critical things you can do after a motorcycle accident. A team like that will tell you all of the above and more since they know from expereince what it takes to beat the insurance companies at their own game.

8) Getting Great Service from Your Attorney

Before your first consultation, prepare by writing down any questions have about the firm or your case. Pay attention not only to the substance of the conversation but also to the vibe you get from the firm. Once you’ve retained an attorney be a conscientious client. Provide paperwork and other information on time. Also, show up for meetings and court dates. Help the attorney’s staff help you.

Need insight about how to handle the aftermath of a motorcycle crash? Call us at 210-444-4444 to schedule a free consultation and get the peace of mind you deserve. Our Injury Attorneys and DLF team members are here 24/7 to listen to your case. Our team of injury legal representatives offer free consultation at no risk to you. Jeff Davis is the San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer that is here to fight for what you deserve. Don’t suffer another day contact us today!

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