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Crash Course – What to Do After a Car Accident

Home | Auto Accident | Crash Course – What to Do After a Car Accident

Lone Star Car Wrecks

TxDOT released its traffic crash facts report for 2015. According to TXDOT, there was one reported car crash every 61 seconds! There was not a single day out of the 365 in which Texas roadways did not have a fatal traffic accident. The deadliest month being October with 356 reported deaths. That’s nearly 1 person a day for the whole year and it happened in just one month! The facts speak for themselves and they tell a tragic story. Corpus Christi is no stranger to traffic accidents and wrecks, but how many of us know what to do after we’ve been in car accident? What to do if there are injuries, who pays the medical bills? Being prepared means having peace of mind for the unexpected.

What to Do After a Car Accident

First thing is first, check if you or any of your passengers are injured. Don’t try to leave the scene of the accident because you could be charged with a “Hit and Run” if the police are called. Even if accident is minor, don’t try to settle with the other party at the scene. You may not realize it, but you may have sustained injuries that you won’t notice until later on or even the next day.


What If I’m Injured?

Call 911 immediately if you or the other party is injured. Emergency services and police will arrive to tend to injuries and conduct a police report of the traffic accident. The police may ask you to move the vehicles over to a safer location, or call in a tow truck to clear away damaged vehicles to clear the potentially blocked road.

Your Own Investigation

Use a camera or smartphone to take photos of the scene for your own personal records. Get the other parties contact and insurance information, as well as a copy of the police report. Take down your own notes of the accident. Record the time of day, road conditions, and how the accident happened. Filing an insurance claim may take some time and you may forget specific details about your case. This is especially important if you were not at fault, or you were hit by a commercial or company vehicle.

Having documentation and proof oh how the accident took place can save you a lot of time and from having to debate your word over theirs. This information will be vital if you decide to contact a personal injury attorney. A car accident attorney can use this information to fight for you against the other party, or the insurance company that denied your claim.

Jeff is Here 4 You

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, Jeff is here for you! Davis Law Firm is available 24/7 to listen to your case. Our team of legal representatives offer free consultation at zero risk to you. Contact us today and let Davis Law Firm fight for the peace of mind you deserve.

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