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What is an Immigration Bond?

Home | Immigration | What is an Immigration Bond?

If you’re arrested and detained by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security or Immigration and Customs Enforcement, you’ll need to post an immigration bond in order to be released. However, exactly what is an immigration bond? And how do you go about obtaining one? Follow our simple guide below.

What is an Immigration Bond?

An immigration bond secures your release from custody when you are arrested on immigration-related grounds. Though similar to a traditional bail bond, immigration bonds are only used in a federal setting, whereas most bonds are only issued on a city and state level. Additionally, Immigration bonds typically come with much higher fees, as the bondsman is required to work with numerous other parties, including ICE or Homeland Security.

How to Get an Immigration Bond

Immigrations bonds cannot be purchased from any bail bondsman or bail bond company. In order to issue an immigration bond, the bondsman must be licensed specifically to do so. In order to get an immigration bond, you’ll need to put up cash, credit card, or some sort of collateral with the bondsman or bond company. Collateral often includes real estate, vehicles, and other forms of property.

Once the bond is issued, you’ll be released from detainment until your required court date. If you fail to appear at court, you will forfeit the collateral or funds you gave the bail bondsman, and a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

Need Help with an Immigration Issue?

Do you or your loved ones need help securing an immigration bond? Want guidance on another immigration concern? Contact the Davis Law Firm today. Our immigration attorneys will help in any way possible; whether it’s explaining to you and your family exactly what is an immigration bond or it’s helping you avoid deportation, adjusting your status, or any other need, we can assist!

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