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The Traffic Camera Debate

Home | Traffic Ticket Laws | The Traffic Camera Debate

One of the top causes of car accidents in the United States is people who run red lights. Red-light accidents account for almost a thousand wrongful deaths and nearly 90,000 personal injury cases each year. With those kinds of statistics, it’s no surprise that traffic cameras have been popping up as the possible solution to the red light running problem. However, many people are convinced that red light cameras were installed only to generate revenue for the state, and feel that receiving a ticket in the mail, sometimes weeks after the violation, does nothing to prevent accidents.

Opponents of the traffic camera feel that the cameras 1) were installed only to generate revenue 2) do not take traffic conditions or the driver’s safety background into account 2) that tickets are not given in a timely and sufficient manner and 4) that truly dangerous drivers will not be stopped immediately.

Another big concern of traffic camera opponents is the invasion of privacy factor, which seems to be a concern in any matter involving the public and advanced technology. It also seems inevitable that there would be backlash from such a new concept, especially when fines can run in the hundreds of dollars.

The only defense necessary for supporters of traffic cameras is that they promote safety and can reduce intersection accidents and a recent study may have proved just that. The study was conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and compared red-light related accidents both before and after the traffic cameras were installed in 40 large U.S. cities. Researchers then compared these rates with the red-light accident rates in cities with no traffic cameras. Based on the study, it seems that traffic cameras have reduced the rate of fatal accidents by almost 24% over a five-year period.

The study shows that people are taking notice of the cameras one way or another. The cameras are showing some careless drivers that running red-lights can have serious consequences.

While the debate rages on, another possible solution is being tested for the prevention of accidents, not just the punishment of red-light violators. This new automated red light camera will have the ability to determine whether drivers are likely to violate the red light and can then hold traffic in all directions until the violator has cleared the intersection.

In any event, if you feel you’ve received a traffic ticket unfairly you can always contest it. Make sure to contact an experienced San Antonio traffic tickets attorney to learn about your rights.

Jeff Davis is the Owner of the Davis law firm and a highly experienced San Antonio traffic tickets attorney. To find out more information about San Antonio traffic tickets lawyer, please visit

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