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Texas, 10th Most Dangerous State for Pedestrians

Home | Pedestrian Accidents | Texas, 10th Most Dangerous State for Pedestrians

Texas Two Step – Watch Out for Pedestrians

As children we are taught to always look both ways before crossing the street and to always utilize crosswalks. Even with that rule drilled into our subconscious, pedestrian accidents occur far too often for comfort. The Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center stated that in 2014 there were 65,000 reports of pedestrian injures. That’s one injury every 8 minutes! That same year nearly 5,000 people were killed in pedestrian accidents. Did you know that Texas is the 10th most dangerous state for pedestrians in the United States!? TxDOT estimates that close to 500 fatal pedestrian crashes happen every year in Texas.


Common Causes for Pedestrian Accidents

In cities like San Antonio or Corpus Christi, pedestrian traffic is a common sight, so why do we see so many reports of accidents? The most common factor in pedestrian accidents is negligence. Distracted drivers and pedestrians can both be at fault for an accident. Using smart phones while walking, or driving, can be hazardous to your safety and others if you fail to see a crosswalk or vehicle approaching. For drivers, it is their responsibility to be observant of the road and watch out for pedestrians. Driving under the influence, speeding or failing to stop can delay a driver’s reaction time, therefore fail to see a pedestrian when they unexpectedly run out in front of the vehicle. Anyone who is struck by a vehicle operated by a distracted driver should consider contact a personal injury attorney. One shouldn’t have to suffer at the hands of someone else’s negligence.

Texas Pedestrian Laws

We’ve all heard about the “right-of-way” rule.  The rule assumes cars and trucks have to yield for pedestrians, but there are limitations to that rule. Right of way for pedestrians was intended for situations where a person is at a crosswalk and given the signal to walk across. In the eyes of the law, crosswalks are the only place a pedestrian should be if they want to cross the street safely. However, sometimes people cross the street at different locations where crosswalks aren’t around.  “Jaywalking is against the law and occurs when a pedestrian crosses a roadway where regulations do not permit doing so.  Pedestrians must yield to cars and trucks if they are trying to cross a street without using a crosswalk.

Of course, in reality, motorist will yield to pedestrians even if they are jaywalking, but they should be aware that technically they don’t have to. That is why a pedestrian should never assume that a vehicle will stop to let them walk across. One can never know what kind of driver is operating a vehicle. It is best to cross a street when there is no oncoming traffic from any sides.

Jeff is Here 4 You

If you or a loved one has been struck by a vehicle and sustained injures Jeff is here for you! Davis Law Firm is here 24/7 to take your call and listen to your case. Our team of legal representatives offer free consultation at no cost to you. When the negligence of others affect your peace of mind we will fight for what you deserve, contact us today!

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