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Teen Drivers Hitting the Road Today Were Born in 2000!

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Teen Drivers Born in the Year 2000

The year 2017 is significant because it means that everyone born in the year 2000 is now legally old enough to apply for their driver’s license, or is driving already. Teen drivers that were 3 years old when Myspace was founded, and 7 years old when Steven Jobs launched the first iPhone. Raised by the internet, and are now old enough to get behind the wheel and join the rest of us on the road. Should we be worried? Not if parents, and Driver’s Ed instructors, take the time to explain to new teen drivers the fundamentals of defensive driving.


Defensive driving is defined by the standard Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations as, “driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others.” Driving is a skill, so that means it requires practice in order to gain experience. That statistics on teen drivers is that they account for less than 7% of all drivers in the United States, but 25% of all car accidents involve a teen driver, according to Driving In fact, the leading cause of death among young people ages 15-20 is motor vehicle crashes. Obtaining a license doesn’t guarantee that the license holder is an experienced driver.

Defensive Driving Tips for Teen Drivers

If you have a young driver in your household, Driving has a list of tips and suggestions to talk to teen drivers about to improve their defensive driving ability.

Put the Phone Down!

Using a phone while driving means that your brain is switching between the two tasks. Therefore, if someone is texting or searching through their phone then their brain is not paying attention to the driving. Driving recommend using a phone in the car only when the car is parked. If you need to make an emergency call, make sure that you pull over to a parking lot, or at least the side of the road for safety.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

This may sound obvious but new drivers can get lost. It is very important that they are always aware of road signs and everything around them while driving. Not just for safety, but to avoid getting lost as well. GPS has made is easier but having a sense of direction is also important in the event that GPS is not available. Not to mention that beware of your surroundings means paying attention to: road signs, speed limit signs, pedestrians, and reckless drivers.

Nobody Likes a Tailgater

Two car lengths is the rule of thumb when it comes to safe distance between vehicles. This is to ensure that you will have enough room to perform a panic stop in the event that the vehicle in front suddenly slams on the brakes. Not having enough distance could result in a rear-end collision or multiple car accident. Even if the accident is the other driver’s fault, your insurance company may still raise your rates, and consider the accident to be your fault because you hit the other car.

Car Control is Key

Bad weather causes car accidents, so it is best to avoid driving in bad weather. Teen drivers should also avoid driving even after dark, until they are more confident in their driving ability. Practicing how to drive in bad weather in an empty parking lot can be a safe way to gain confidence for young drivers, provided they are accompanied by a more experienced driver.

Jeff is Here 4 You

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an accident, Jeff is here for you. Davis Law Firm is here 24/7 to listen to your case. Our team of legal representatives offer free consultation at no cost to you! Jeff Davis is the San Antonio Lawyer that is here to fight for you! Contact us today!

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