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Filing for Bankruptcy: Role of Your Attorney

Beset by a mountain of setbacks, Americans have watched themselves fall into financial ruin since the recession hit full stride in 2008. Likely candidates for blame are unexpected medical expenses, unemployment, and foreclosure or any number of events that hit suddenly and left a devastating trail of debt behind. For these hard-working individuals, filing for […]

Re-establishing your Credit after Bankruptcy

Contrary to popular belief, filing for bankruptcy does not blackball you from borrowing or using credit ever again. You can actually start rebuilding your credit almost immediately after filing. The following are some simple ways to help you responsibly rebuild your credit: Get a High-rate Credit card Many people are scared to jump back into […]

Gain Financial Freedom With A Bankruptcy Attorney

Seeking the help of a bankruptcy attorney may be one of the most positive and beneficial things you do for your finances and debt management. Because an attorney specializes in helping people who have more debt than they can manage in a simple way, your situation can be solved and supported from start to finish. […]

Former Billionaire files for Bankruptcy

Many people are shocked to find out that millionaires also run into financial troubles, so you can imagine the astonishment when billionaire Patricia Kluge filed for bankruptcy. Kluge, a british-born former model was once married to the richest man in America, John Kluge, who topped the Forbes 400 list in 1989 with his fortune of […]

Bankruptcy on the Rise

With the unemployment rate steadily rising and more and more people losing their homes and savings, it’s no surprise that bankruptcy is also on the rise. The numbers, however, are still a bit shocking. More than 1.5 million people filed for bankruptcy in the U.S. in 2010, a nine percent increase from 2009. The increase […]

Bankruptcy Questions and Answers

Bankruptcy is happening more frequently in today’s economy, and should not be an act of any shame or guilt. Businesses and individuals choose to file for bankruptcy in an attempt to regain their financial futures, and rid themselves of financially devastating and overwhelming debt. It is often a good decision not only for you, but […]

Bankruptcy Terms and Definitions – Part 1

Bankruptcy can be an intimidating process for many people, but like many things in life, fear comes from the unknown. By educating yourself, you will have a better understanding of the bankruptcy process and a greater control of your financial future. The following are some bankruptcy terms to become familiar with: Automatic Stay-An automatic stay […]

Bankruptcy Terms and Definitions – Part 2

  Knowing your bankruptcy terminology is very important in understanding your legal proceedings. The following is a continued list from Bankruptcy Terms and Definitions-Part 1: Motion to Lift the Automatic Stay-A creditor’s request to take an action against a debtor or the debtor’s property that would otherwise be prohibited by the automatic stay. No-Asset Case-A […]

Filing For Bankruptcy And Your Financial Future

After choosing to file for bankruptcy there is much to be completed via the court system. Although, with a professional bankruptcy attorney this process can be quite simple, and will ease your stress one day at a time. So the next step after choosing to file for bankruptcy, and finding an experienced bankruptcy attorney, is […]

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