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Seeking to discharge, not swallow, the bitter pill of medical debt

Three years after the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), medical debt remains the biggest cause of bankruptcy. A year ago, U.S. Supreme Court upheld the law. Yet the insurance overhaul it requires has still not fully taken effect. And meanwhile, 49 million Americans remain without health insurance. Given the scandalously high cost of […]

Debt collectors and disclosure to third parties: law sets limits

Being in debt should not be a matter of shame. Many people face struggles in paying their bills. And there are many factors beyond a person’s control such as job loss or medical bills that can throw a family’s finances out of whack. Fortunately, we don’t live in a society that throws people in debtor’s […]

Kids and medical costs: what if parents don’t pay?

It’s well known that medical debt is one of the leading causes of bankruptcy. Even when someone has insurance, he or she may be only one serious illness away from overwhelming medical bills – and the need to seek debt relief. What happens, however, when the overwhelming medical bills are for a child? If the […]

Unpaid medical bills and credit reports

It is a widely known fact that medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy. Even people with insurance are only one catastrophic illness away from bills they cannot really pay – and hence the need for a financial fresh start through a bankruptcy filing. Less well known, however, is the negative effect that unpaid […]

Credit Card Debt: Consumer, Beware

Credit card debt is like a slippery slope. You may start down that path, thinking you’ll catch up soon. But life happens – injuries, illnesses, lost or downsized jobs. Suddenly, you find yourself slipping farther down the slope. If you are in this position, bankruptcy can be an effective response. It offers a way to […]

Credit Card Debt Collection: Concerns About Flawed Paperwork

The credit card industry does it all it can to get people hooked on unsupportable debt. To be sure, the bad economy is often a factor. You may have lost your job or had your hours cut. There may be other financial pressures, too, such as medical bills. So it can be tempting to begin […]

Many Texas Seniors Sag Under Weight of Debt

“Getting old isn’t for sissies,” goes an oft-quoted saying often attributed to the actress Bettie Davis. If she were around today, Davis might be inclined to add a variation on that theme. Getting old isn’t for sissies, and neither is being in debt – especially for seniors whose so-called golden years have turned sour. This […]

Even Many People With Health Insurance Struggle to Medical Bills

Medical bills are of course a problem for many people without insurance. But, to a surprising degree, even many people with insurance can encounter problems with paying for medical procedures, prescription drugs or hospital visits. As a result, medical debt remains one of the most common causes of consumer bankruptcy. Why doesn’t having health insurance […]

Medical Bills: Insurance Discrepancies Can Harm Credit

Medical bills are a major problem for many families. It is well documented that medical debt is one of the leading causes of consumer bankruptcy . This is true in San Antonio, throughout the Rio Grande Valley, and across the country. But even for people who try to pay their bills on time, discrepancies concerning […]

Consumer Debt Grows Along With Income Inequality

Studies have shown that people spend much more when paying with credit rather than cash. And as time goes on, there is a cumulative effect to this. The balance starts to grow, and suddenly someone may be facing credit card harassment from bill collectors. For many people, however, living off of credit doesn’t necessarily mean […]

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