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Reasons to File for Bankruptcy

So you’re in a financial bind? It’s safe to say that 2011 hasn’t been the best financial year for many Americans. The economy is still sluggish and jobs are still scarce. While filing for bankruptcy may have never been an option before the recession, credit card bills can stack up and unemployment checks are running […]

Texas’ 2012 Financial Forecast

As we ring in the New Year with champagne and fireworks, we can’t help but wonder what the year will actually bring us. Could the economy take a turn for the better? Will the string of bankruptcies finally slow? What will happen to the almighty dollar? While even analysts merely make educated predictions about the […]

How Do I Pay My Bankruptcy Attorney?

Filing for bankruptcy may seem intimidating. For most clients, their first question is, “How do I pay my bankruptcy attorney when I’m already in debt?” While the whole concept may seem overwhelming and discouraging, filing for bankruptcy can remove a huge burden from your life and ends up being worth every penny. Sadly, most people […]

Cash Money Rapper files for Bankruptcy

It’s hard to imagine a rapper going bankrupt, especially when they’re a member of a group called “Cash Money.” Unfortunately for Young Buck, former G-Unit soldier, this is exactly the case. Young Buck filed for bankruptcy back in September 2010 just one month after his home was raided by IRS agents. Young Buck’s Trustee as […]

Why Bankruptcy May be Your Best Option

For many people, bankruptcy is a final option; one they would never consider unless they ran out of every other possible idea on getting out of debt. They will let their house go into foreclosure, let their credit cards compound interest for months and even drain their retirement accounts trying to stay afloat. It always […]

Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins files for Bankruptcy…Again

Some celebrities just can’t get it right; some can’t hold on to a movie role, others can’t clean up their act and some have more financial troubles now than they did before they were famous. Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins of the female singing group TLC unfortunately falls under the financial category. Watkins is now filing for […]

Bankruptcy Defined

The laws of bankruptcy have changed over the past ten years. Although, even with the amendments made, bankruptcy is still simply defined as a tool to assist individuals and businesses overwhelmed by debt in having a government-backed solution. This process allows either a business or an individual to regain financial control of their life by […]

New Rules on Discharge of Credit Card Debt in Bankruptcy Court

The economy is in a spot that it has not been in for a long time. The stock market is going crazy and the housing market is not much better. Many people have recently found themselves upside down on their homes. This combined with the fact that many people are out of work means that […]

Personal Bankruptcy and Credit Card Debt

One thing that is never certain is the economy. In the last few years, the economy has gone through some major changes that have made life extremely difficult for some people. The stock market has been going up and down quickly and many people have been losing a lot of money, and the job market […]

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