Bankruptcy filing: how to overcome your own mental resistance
The need for meaningful relief from credit card debt is an issue we continue to follow closely in this blog. As we discussed in our May 10 post, consumers have been cutting down recently on the amount of debt they are taking on. But problems with credit card still plague many people in San Antonio […]
Credit card debt: consumers continue to cut down
During and after the Great Recession, many people had to rely on credit cards just to get by. Using credits cards that way can solve a short-term problem of not having money for medical bills, car repairs — or even groceries. But in the longer term, large credit card debt — and the hefty interest […]
Bankruptcy audit program suspended indefinitely
When Congress revised the nation’s bankruptcy laws in 2005, there were concerns it could become more difficult to file for bankruptcy. Fortunately, that has not been the case for most people interested in fling. The 2005 law did add a few additional hoops to jump through. Overall, though, bankruptcy remains a very useful strategy in […]
Remorse about debt may help bankruptcy filing, study suggests
Bankruptcy judges are appointed to apply the law evenhandedly. Their job is to remain objective and make sure the law is followed. Could it be, however, that judges are more likely to approve a repayment plan in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy if the debtor includes an apology with his or her petition? The answer has […]
Credit card debt: the down side of balance transfers
It’s so tempting. You’ve got a new credit card, so why not use it even for a big-ticket item like buying a car? After all, it’s supposed to be a no-interest card. Well, the truth is that so-called zero-interest credit card balance transfer offers must be scrutinized carefully. Debtors in the San Antonio or anywhere […]
Boomers and credit card debt: how bankruptcy can help
When does credit card debt become so big that trying to chip away at it no longer makes much sense? Many people in the San Antonio area and across the country are struggling with this question. Of course, the need for debt relief varies by person often reflects someone’s stage in life. For young people, […]
Bankruptcy as a debt relief option for credit card debt
Credit card debt is a problem that plagues many Americans. Residents of the San Antonio area certainly experience their share of this, as do many other Texans. It continues to be a problem, here and elsewhere, even as some measures of the economy slowly improve. If your credit card debt has become unmanageable, filing for […]
Credit card tips and tricks for the holidays
Black Friday, the now-notorious start of the holiday shopping season, is only three days away. For those already struggling with credit card debt, kicking off another spending extravaganza is not exactly a happy occasion. But there are steps you can take to protect yourself in both big and small ways. Legally, keep in mind that […]
Credit Card Debt: Consumer, Beware
Credit card debt is like a slippery slope. You may start down that path, thinking you’ll catch up soon. But life happens – injuries, illnesses, lost or downsized jobs. Suddenly, you find yourself slipping farther down the slope. If you are in this position, bankruptcy can be an effective response. It offers a way to […]
Credit Card Debt Collection: Concerns About Flawed Paperwork
The credit card industry does it all it can to get people hooked on unsupportable debt. To be sure, the bad economy is often a factor. You may have lost your job or had your hours cut. There may be other financial pressures, too, such as medical bills. So it can be tempting to begin […]