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Top Three Signs You Should Consider Filing For Bankruptcy

Considering the idea that you may have to file for bankruptcy is not an easy topic to contemplate. An individual should never be ashamed of wanting to clean up their financial past and present; ready to do what it takes to move forward. So how do you know when you should consider filing for bankruptcy? […]

Is Tax Debt Dischargeable by Bankruptcy?

Many people think that bankruptcy is a simple process that will erase their debt and give them a fresh start. While this is partially true, there are some debts that are much easier to discharge than others. Some debts cannot be discharged at all, so it is important to become familiar with the different laws […]

Divorce and Bankruptcy

Divorce and bankruptcy can each create a difficult time in a person’s life. Unfortunately for some couples, financial problems are what lead them to divorce. While an impending bankruptcy and divorce can seem very overwhelming, there are a few things to know to help ease the process. First you will want to decide which comes […]

Learning to Budget your Expenses

With the economy in decline many Americans have found themselves discouraged with their finances. Slipping into debt can be stressful, but you can turn your situation around. Learning how to budget effectively can help you take control of your financial future. Most people fall into debt because they live “beyond their means”, basically spending money […]

I’m a Renter. Will Bankruptcy Cause Me to Be Evicted?

The job market is very volatile right now, with the unemployment rate as high as it has been in a long time. That combined with the crash of the housing market has made it very difficult for many families to afford their mortgages as they owe much more on their home than it is actually […]

Why Payday Loans Don’t Pay

Even during trying moments, most of us hold onto the dreams and plans we have for living a more comfortable financial life. For too many Americans, however, that hope is growing dimmer. Today, more and more of us are living “paycheck to paycheck”. This means that they rely on each and every paycheck to cover […]

Chapter 13: A Life Raft In a Sea of Debt

A sad fact of today is that more and more households are experiencing financial troubles. Most of us either personally know someone or have ourselves been affected by the recent economic downturn. With state governments running deeply in the red, resulting in further layoffs, furloughs and potential cuts in assistance, these troubles are likely to […]

Basics of Personal Bankruptcy

According to the National Bankruptcy Center, in 2009 1.41 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy. Job losses and decreased income nationwide fueled the surge in filings, which showed an increase of over 32% from the year before. With more and more people feeling the weight of debt, many are asking if bankruptcy is an option […]

Chapter 11 versus Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

The financial crisis is taking a toll on many Americans. The unemployment rate is higher than it has been in years and many people are finding themselves upside down on their homes. Owing more on your home than it is currently worth is a very difficult situation, especially if you don’t have a job to […]

You Don’t Have To Lose Everything When Filing For Bankruptcy

The burning question when families or individuals have to file for bankruptcy is, do I lose everything? The answer to that question is no. Most importantly what do you get to keep when you file for bankruptcy and what is protected. When filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy a liquidation process takes place to help repay […]

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