Small Business Bankruptcy: Structure Affects Choices
In order to get the fresh start that bankruptcy can offer, you’ve got to consider which type would be best for you. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is often known as “liquidation” or straight bankruptcy because it requires clearing out all nonexempt property to satisfy debts owed to creditors. If they meet certain requirements, Texas consumers can […]
Student Loan Debt: Can Bankruptcy Resolve It?
You have heard that student loan debt is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. It’s true that is the general rule. But in certain cases, when there is undue hardship, it is sometimes possible to discharge student debt through bankruptcy. In fact, such a discharge just happened in a case in Buffalo, New York, involving a 64-year-old […]
Secured vs. Unsecured Debt: What You Should Know
Whether you considering bankruptcy or not, it’s important to know the difference between different types of debt. The kind of debt you have can affect your credit score, how much money you can borrow, and the interest rates of those loans. This post will describe the difference between secured and unsecured debt? Here is what […]
Even Many People With Health Insurance Struggle to Medical Bills
Medical bills are of course a problem for many people without insurance. But, to a surprising degree, even many people with insurance can encounter problems with paying for medical procedures, prescription drugs or hospital visits. As a result, medical debt remains one of the most common causes of consumer bankruptcy. Why doesn’t having health insurance […]
Creating and Keeping an Emergency Fund Can Be Tough
Create an emergency fund. Financial counselors are very clear on this point. They want us all to have at least several hundred dollars socked away to deal with unexpected needs. In fact, many counselors believe the fund should have more than a few hundred dollars. Some say it should be big enough to cover your […]
Tax Debt: Beware of Liens and IRS Levies
Tax debt is a recipe for trouble – unless you respond proactively to the problem. Don’t just let your wages become the object of an IRS tax levy. Here are some things to think about, as you consider filing for bankruptcy and other debt relief options. First, let’s consider the word “levy” and distinguish it […]
Buying A Home After Filing For Bankruptcy
It’s true, that many individuals believe that once they file for bankruptcy they will never be able to qualify for a home loan again. Individuals also believe that should there be a chance that they could qualify, it would take ten to fifteen years before they could even try. We are about to blow your […]
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Verses Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Choosing to file through, and eventually traveling through the process of filing for bankruptcy can be a difficult and emotionally draining job. Although with the professional assistance of an experienced bankruptcy attorney one can make the process a bit easier on one’s stress level. The most common filings for bankruptcy are that of Chapter 7 […]
Filing For Bankruptcy And Your Financial Future
After choosing to file for bankruptcy there is much to be completed via the court system. Although, with a professional bankruptcy attorney this process can be quite simple, and will ease your stress one day at a time. So the next step after choosing to file for bankruptcy, and finding an experienced bankruptcy attorney, is […]
Bankruptcy Defined
The laws of bankruptcy have changed over the past ten years. Although, even with the amendments made, bankruptcy is still simply defined as a tool to assist individuals and businesses overwhelmed by debt in having a government-backed solution. This process allows either a business or an individual to regain financial control of their life by […]