Don’t let dubious debt collectors keep you from real debt relief
Informing people about the threat of unfair or fraudulent debt collection practices is one of the themes of this blog. In our February 15 post we wrote about a recent Texas case in which the Federal Trade Commission took against a debt-collection company for egregious violations. The problem is so big, however, that fake debt […]
Debt Consolidation 101: Brush up on what you know (or don’t know
In our Bexar County law office, we help people who have found themselves in financial quicksand. They know they need to get out, but they cannot seem to do it on their because their strongest efforts just seem to amount to fruitless thrashing. To take the analogy further, we aspire to be the guy standing […]
Fighting back against debt collection threats
The debt collection industry is out of control. Indeed, it has been out of control for years. But consumers and their advocates, as well as government regulators, are increasingly fighting back. If you are struggling with the need for debt relief, you may have experienced unfair collection practices. You may even have experienced one or […]
Avoiding debt collection is not the same as debt relief
Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites have profoundly changed the way many Americans share information about their lives. But does that mean that it’s fair game for debt collectors to contact debtors on those websites? The answer is essentially no. But federal regulators realize they need to do more to prevent debt collectors from […]
Bankruptcy as a debt relief option for credit card debt
Credit card debt is a problem that plagues many Americans. Residents of the San Antonio area certainly experience their share of this, as do many other Texans. It continues to be a problem, here and elsewhere, even as some measures of the economy slowly improve. If your credit card debt has become unmanageable, filing for […]
Debt collectors and disclosure to third parties: law sets limits
Being in debt should not be a matter of shame. Many people face struggles in paying their bills. And there are many factors beyond a person’s control such as job loss or medical bills that can throw a family’s finances out of whack. Fortunately, we don’t live in a society that throws people in debtor’s […]
Bankruptcy counseling: why is it required and what does it do?
You may have heard that when the federal bankruptcy law was amended a few years ago, Congress put in a few new hoops to jump through. To a degree, this is true. There is now, for example, a requirement that someone filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 attend a bankruptcy counseling session. […]
Kids and medical costs: what if parents don’t pay?
It’s well known that medical debt is one of the leading causes of bankruptcy. Even when someone has insurance, he or she may be only one serious illness away from overwhelming medical bills – and the need to seek debt relief. What happens, however, when the overwhelming medical bills are for a child? If the […]
Tax debt in Texas: bankruptcy options
Debt is much on the minds of all Americans – Texans included. It isn’t just the national debt, either. Many local governments also have problems with municipal debt. And of course, if you’re reading this post, you may be in need of personal debt relief. If you owe back taxes to the IRS or the […]
Credit card tips and tricks for the holidays
Black Friday, the now-notorious start of the holiday shopping season, is only three days away. For those already struggling with credit card debt, kicking off another spending extravaganza is not exactly a happy occasion. But there are steps you can take to protect yourself in both big and small ways. Legally, keep in mind that […]