Mortgage debt: consumers trying hard to keep up
For several years — before, during and after the Great Recession — huge waves of home foreclosures rolled across the country like a storm at sea. Some areas of the country were hit harder than others. As we discussed most recently in our June 27 post, the San Antonio / New Braunfels area was certainly […]
Football coach gets clear of many debts through bankruptcy
The NFL football season kicked off last night and the second weekend of college ball is coming right up. In Texas especially, football is a game that has rightly been called America’s passion. From the famous Friday Night Lights to college and pro stadiums, the passion is palpable. It’s easy to forget, however, amid all […]
Student loan debt and bankruptcy: a proposal for change
It’s been a few months since we last wrote about student loan debt. As we explained in our May 24 post, the general rule is that this type of debt is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. The only exception is in cases of “undue hardship,” and courts do not readily grant that exception. It is becoming […]
Some debt relief schemes are too good to be true
By itself, debt is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, consumers have to assume debt in order to finance major purchases, such as a home or vehicle. At the same time, however, a person can become overwhelmed by their financial obligations, which may require debt relief. Although there are numerous ways to unload tremendous debt, […]
Drain a 401(k) to deal with debt? Bankruptcy may be better option
People who are struggling with debt often consider taking some money out of their retirement accounts in order to keep creditors at bay. Debtors often believe they must do everything they can to pay their bills now, even at the cost of raiding their retirement funds. To a degree, this is understandable, especially if creditors […]
Stop Credit Card Collectors From Harassing You
Are you constantly receiving telephone calls and letters from bill collectors? Are some of them being very rude and using unethical tactics (i.e. calling you at work; calling your next door neighbor and/or calling your relatives)? The Davis Law Firm can help you. We can stop the bill collectors and credit harassment. Call us at […]
Credit card debt rising across country
When the great recession hit, more people found themselves struggling with serious financial problems. They may have lost their jobs or seen their hours reduced, making it difficult for them to have a stable source of income. Because of this, many people had to create strict budgets that allowed them to better track where they […]
When debt collectors go too far: a Texas case on calls at work
Debt collectors do not get to do whatever they want. Federal and state laws limit what they are allowed to do. Nationally, of course, the key law is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). In the San Antonio area and across the nation, people who are struggling with debt are supposed to be protected […]
Foreclosure in San Antonio: an update on the data
In many parts of the country, the real estate market is finally showing signs of improvement. It’s been a long wait, as the double whammy of the real estate crisis and the Great Recession caused severe problems with mortgage debt for many homeowners. Waves of foreclosures swept the country. And to make matters worse, real […]
Credit card debt: consumers continue to cut down
During and after the Great Recession, many people had to rely on credit cards just to get by. Using credits cards that way can solve a short-term problem of not having money for medical bills, car repairs — or even groceries. But in the longer term, large credit card debt — and the hefty interest […]