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Filing for Bankruptcy: Role of Your Attorney

Beset by a mountain of setbacks, Americans have watched themselves fall into financial ruin since the recession hit full stride in 2008. Likely candidates for blame are unexpected medical expenses, unemployment, and foreclosure or any number of events that hit suddenly and left a devastating trail of debt behind. For these hard-working individuals, filing for […]

Explaining Your Bankruptcy

Hard times fall on many people, especially in a recession or bad economy. Filing for bankruptcy has been the saving grace for many of these financially frustrated individuals. While filing for bankruptcy can be a huge relief to those in debt, many people feel they don’t know how to explain their bankruptcy to family, creditors […]

The different types of bankruptcy explained

There are four types of bankruptcy: chapter 7, 11, 12, and 13. They are named depending on their chapters in the United States Bankruptcy code. The types differ based on the debtor, the debtor’s income, and the methods used in repaying the debts. Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy are for individuals seeking to settle their […]

Personal Bankruptcy for Small Business Owners

The economy has been hard on all of us; small and large businesses alike have felt the effects. Most often, the news focuses on corporate bankruptcies and large company debts, when small businesses are struggling as well. So what happens to a small business when the owner is facing personal bankruptcy? Do they have to […]

With Bankruptcy, Sooner is better

Filing for bankruptcy can be intimidating, especially for people who have always been financially secure. There are quite a few reasons why people put off filing for bankruptcy; denial, embarrassment or maybe they consider bankruptcy a final option. Waiting, however, can cause more stress and more financial strain on you and your family. While bankruptcy […]

Bankruptcy Attorney Fees and Payment Plans

If you’re thinking about hiring a bankruptcy attorney, you may be wondering how much their services will cost, how you can pay them, and how they can help out in your financial and debt situations. The good news is that hiring and working with a bankruptcy attorney is one of the most affordable and simple […]

The Enron Bankruptcy

The Enron bankruptcy was one of the most controversial corporate bankruptcies in the history on the U.S. Not only was it the largest Chapter 11 bankruptcy of all time (which has since been surpassed by both Worldcom and Lehman Brothers) by clocking in with $63.4 billion in assets but the company’s downfall was due to […]

Hospitals Continue to Face Bankruptcy

A bad economy affects everyone; small businesses, large businesses, government jobs, government funded programs, everyone. Hospitals are no different. While many people look at hospitals as a public safeguard for our health, many people forget that hospitals are businesses too. And while all businesses need to at least break even to continue operating, a recent […]

Re-establishing your Credit after Bankruptcy

Contrary to popular belief, filing for bankruptcy does not blackball you from borrowing or using credit ever again. You can actually start rebuilding your credit almost immediately after filing. The following are some simple ways to help you responsibly rebuild your credit: Get a High-rate Credit card Many people are scared to jump back into […]

Gain Financial Freedom With A Bankruptcy Attorney

Seeking the help of a bankruptcy attorney may be one of the most positive and beneficial things you do for your finances and debt management. Because an attorney specializes in helping people who have more debt than they can manage in a simple way, your situation can be solved and supported from start to finish. […]

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