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Saving Your Home When Facing Bankruptcy

Stay put while you start fresh A bankruptcy can be stressful enough without worrying about uprooting your family. When you file for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the majority of your assets—including your house—may be sold by the bankruptcy trustee in order to pay your creditors. However, there are a few circumstances in which you may […]

What to Do Immediately when Facing Wage Garnishment

You work hard for your paycheck. When a wage garnishment threatens to leave you with only a portion of it, know that you have options, but you need to act quickly. Request credit reports While dealing with wage garnishment can be stressful, having your wages withheld for a debt you don’t rightfully owe is even […]

Debt collectors: things a harassed consumer needs to know

Based on a wide number of media reports, as well as on the high volume of phone calls and letters received by state and federal offices, consumers dealing with debt collection companies are often at a total loss as to how to proceed. Put another way: Many persons in Texas and nationally seeking debt relief […]

The difficulty in reducing student loan debt

It is extremely unfortunate that filing for bankruptcy has such a negative connotation to it, as it is an important tool for debt relief. There are people throughout San Antonio who find themselves overwhelmed by financial problems of one kind or another. They turn to a bankruptcy attorney to discuss their options and, many times, […]

Debt-settlement industry: persistently under fire

Talk about a business niche that has an unrelenting image problem. Once again, the debt-settlement industry is making media waves for the adverse repercussions visited on consumers across the country who solicit the “assistance” of companies that pledge debt relief and simply don’t deliver on their promises. As many of our readers in Texas and […]

Regarding nation’s debt crisis, are we digging out or digging in?

So, are we doing better or not? Has the national economy at least stopped snarling at the middle class sufficiently enough over the past couple years to enable most challenged debtors to regain their financial footing? These questions certainly seem reasonable enough to ask, and at this time. After all, the monstrous housing collapse and […]

Report shows consumers are charging more, paying down less

Even the most skeptical among us can agree that the economy is finally starting to show signs of sustained recovery following the recent recession, as foreclosures have dropped, employment is up and consumers are spending more. Indeed, a recently released report by the website suggests that not only are consumers spending more here in […]

Credit card use: smooth ride or bumpy road?

Here’s a truism that just seems inarguable: Many Americans — a great many, indeed — find credit cards to be simply compelling. That applies to both cautious users of cards and consumers who frequently flash them and think nothing of using them to pay for most goods and services. What is it that accounts for […]

Student debt: ripple effects across the larger economy

Student debt held by Texas residents and many millions of Americans in other states as well is often readily distinguished by financial commentators from other types of unsecured debt. That means most centrally things like credit card debt and medical bills. Many media pundits are quick to note that those types of financial obligations, once […]

There’s that harassing caller again: how to deal with him or her

We recently passed along a few general tips for our readers in Texas and elsewhere regarding how to respond to contacts from aggressive debt collectors (please see our blog entry dated May 2, 2014). A central recommendation for any challenged debtor is of course to secure the prompt and knowledgeable assistance of a proven bankruptcy […]

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