Stop Credit Card Collectors From Harassing You

Home | Credit Card Debt | Stop Credit Card Collectors From Harassing You

Are you constantly receiving telephone calls and letters from bill collectors? Are some of them being very rude and using unethical tactics (i.e. calling you at work; calling your next door neighbor and/or calling your relatives)? The Davis Law Firm can help you. We can stop the bill collectors and credit harassment. Call us at 210-777-JEFF (5333), we’ve got your back!!

We can help you take back control of your life. You have rights and protection under the law. Contact our office for a free initial meeting to discuss your case.

There is no shame in getting free sound confidential legal advice. Once you have scheduled your appointment with our office, please click on this initial interview questionnaire, fill it out to the best of your ability, and please bring it with you to the initial meeting at our office. Call us at 210-777-JEFF (5333), we’ve got your back!!

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