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Social Security Disability Requirements and Legalities

Home | Social Security Disability Law | Social Security Disability Requirements and Legalities

Managed by the Social Security Administrator, Social Security Disability is a federal insurance program provided by the United States of America that is funded by payroll tax. Social Security Disability Insurance, otherwise known as SSDI or SSD, is managed by the Social Security Administration. This federal program, funded by FICA tax, provides benefits to disabled individuals who are insured based on their earnings. Every U.S. citizen has the right to file for Social Security Disability if they are disabled beyond that of being able to work a normal work shift. Do you know your SSD rights?

SSDI can be offered to an individual either on a permanent basis or on more of a temporary basis. This is often in direct relation to whether the disability of the individual is either temporary or permanent. There are qualifications that must be met to allow an individual to receive social Security Disability, as per the federal government:

1) The individual must have worked at least five of the last ten years, as determined by the initial state of disability. This requirement can get a bit tricky, but with the assistance of a professional attorney, an individual can get a better idea of where they stand with respects to their particular case.

2) In most cases the individual must be below legal retirement age or sixty-five years of age. Again, consulting with an experienced professional can give you a better idea of the application of this requirement to your particular case.

3) The disability must be expected to last at least one year and/or result in the death of the individual within a lesser amount of time.

4) In some cases the individual need not be physically impaired, but mental disabilities can also apply. If an individual is mentally disabled to the point of not being able to be or become gainfully employed, there may be a Social Security Disability case.

There are many other requirements that must take place even after the above have been met. Medical and/or lab findings must be evident to support the disability. In most cases regular medical treatment reports and/or doctor’s visits may even become necessary. In summary, the claimant will have to prove that they are no longer able to perform work that they performed prior to the mental or physical disability occurred.

Consulting with an experienced Rio Grande Valley Social Security Disability attorney is always recommended, as these professionals can assist you throughout the entire filing process. It is important to know and understand your rights as a United States citizen, especially that of filing for Social Security Disability.

Jeff Davis is the Owner of the Davis law firm and a highly experienced Rio Grande Valley social security disability attorney. To find out more information about Rio Grande Valley social security disability lawyer, please visit

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