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Immigration Visa Categories: Temporary Protected Status

Home | Immigration | Immigration Visa Categories: Temporary Protected Status

Temporary protected status is one of the many immigration visa categories that foreign nationals can apply under to get a visa. Created by the Immigration Act of 1990, it is specifically designed for individuals who cannot currently return to their home country because of ongoing wars, conflicts, natural disasters, or other extenuating circumstances in their native land. If approved, it can allow immigrants to enter, live in, and work in the United States for a limited amount of time.

Temporary Protected Status: Who Is Eligible

The Secretary of Homeland Security is in charge of designating which countries’ residents currently qualify for temporary protected status at any given time. In order to be eligible, an individual must be a national of one of these countries, as well as meet a number of other legal requirements. It’s important to note that the list of qualifying countries is subject to change at any time. Before moving forward with your application, it’s always best to speak to a qualified attorney to ensure your native country still qualifies you for TPS.

Do you think you may qualify for temporary protected status? Do you need help applying and gathering evidence so you can get approved? Call the Davis Law Firm. We’ll help determine your eligibility, assist you in obtaining, filling out, and submitting your application, and make sure you have the best chances at success. If you’re not eligible, we’ll find other potential immigration visa categories that could help you enter the U.S.

Contact the Davis Law Firm today to get started!

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