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Hostile Workplace Environment and Employment Law

Home | Employment Law | Hostile Workplace Environment and Employment Law

Hostile workplace lawsuits take place each and every day, unfortunately. Differing in some ways from that of direct sexual harassment, a hostile workplace is generally the creation of an uncomfortable environment in which to work.

There are many ways in which an employer, supervisor or general entity can make an individual in the workplace feel uncomfortable. This may have to do with race, sex, ethnicity or otherwise. The similarity between all of these cases is that they have to be an uncomfortable or harassing environment that must be seen generally and publicly as ‘offensive’.

So what is considered ‘offensive’ behavior? There are many forms of offensive behavior that can been seen a uncomfortable in a court of law. This may include that of sexual or discriminating jokes, unwanted and continuous requests for dating, offbeat photos or emails being sent to you, etc. The list of what is considered offensive can range from words from another employee or supervisor, to that of images and paperwork that is consistently being pushed into your view. Either way, offensive behavior should not be tolerated in the workplace, and is against the law.

There are many steps that must be taken before a case can begin to be filed by an employee of an entity. First, the employee must have informed management about the incident, and asked for a change. If this step was not present, it is often difficult to formulate a case. So be sure to report the behavior once, if not more than once to put the information on record with the company prior to speaking to a employment law attorney. If the hostile workplace or uncomfortable environment has anything to do with race, origin or ethnicity, you have the legal right to sue your employer.

Which types of damages can a claimant attempt to obtain via suing their employer? There are several damages that can be included within a suit, but know that each case is different from the next. Generally speaking, damages may include but are not limited to attorney fees, emotional distress, time off or work/loss of pay, future loss of work, etc.

It is always best to consult with a professional before filing a lawsuit against your employer. To protect your job and to know and understand your rights, contact a Brownsville employment lawyer for all the information you need. These experienced attorneys can assist you in not only helping you to understand your rights under law, but to also file a strong and legitimate suit. You shouldn’t have to deal with a hostile work environment, no matter where you are employed – and you shouldn’t have to take on the stresses of this case alone. Contact a professional today.

Jeff Davis is the Owner of the Davis law firm and a highly experienced Brownsville employment law attorney. To find out more information about a Brownsville employment lawyer, please visit

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