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Filing For Bankruptcy After A Serious Injury or Illness

Home | Medical Debt | Filing For Bankruptcy After A Serious Injury or Illness

If you have suffered from a recent injury or illness and have received medical bills in the mail, you know how financially devastating they can be. Medical treatment is not inexpensive, and when considering that of a serious injury with ongoing treatment, your finances can go from great to nonexistent in a matter of only a few weeks. So when is the right time to file for bankruptcy, and what are the steps that must be taken?

A medical tragedy can lead to financial destruction within a matter of weeks, or only a few days. Even if you are put onto a payment plan to reimburse hospitals, doctors and emergency teams with the amounts that are owed, you may find yourself paying more for your health bills than you do of any other bills combined. You are not alone. Individuals and families just like yours are suffering with the same issues each and every day. Your financial solutions just may be that of filing for bankruptcy. There is no shame in wiping your financial slate clean and starting anew. Actually, it may be the best option you have for your financial future in this moment.

It has been recorded that over sixty percent of bankruptcy filings are due to costly medical bills, including that of emergency services. To protect your health, you have no choice but to get the care you need for your accident or injury. It is the repercussions of making this wise decision that has left so many with no choice but to file for medical bankruptcy.

Another item that is affecting American families is that of lack of health insurance. Less than fifty percent of American have health insurance, making health costs of a family of four or more completely outrageous. It seems that it could take only one medical disaster to put an entire family into bankruptcy. So what does one need to know about filing for medical bankruptcy and how does one go about it?

The first step is to contact your local San Antonio bankruptcy attorney. These individuals can analyze your current financial situation, letting you know exactly where you and your family stand. These experienced individuals can then assist you with the proper bankruptcy filing that fits your particular situation. It is important to choose a reorganization structure or complete debt removal that is the right fit for you.

Filing for bankruptcy can alleviate most of your current financial stresses and hassles. Credit collectors must immediately stop contacting you after you have filed. This mean that you will not continue to receive consistent harassing phone calls, emails or mail from these companies.

Whether you choose to file today, or if you are looking at filing for bankruptcy in the near future, get the assistance you need to make informed and realistic decisions. Your financial future can have a bright new beginning given that you make good decisions regarding the filing of your medical bankruptcy.

Jeff Davis is the Owner of the Davis law firm and a highly experienced San Antonio bankruptcy attorney. To find out more information about a San Antonio bankruptcy lawyer, please visit

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