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3 Most Common Causes of Bus Accidents

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Bus Accidents

Bus accidents usually cause more serious injuries than other types of crashes, according to Accident Data Center. The size and weight of a bus can cause serious injuries and large dollar amounts of damage at low speeds. Also, city and school buses usually carry more people than passenger vehicles. Therefore, bus accidents can bring more work to insurance companies and adjusters than common auto accidents. Victims involved in a bus accidents are recommended to a consult with a personal injury attorney or a accident lawyer that specializes in bus accidents. Personal injury attorneys will handle the insurance companies so those dealing with injuries can focus on the recovery.  To better inform you we have compiled common causes of bus accidents below.

Public Transportation in San Antonio

VIA Metropolitan Transit services the City of San Antonio with public transportation. VIA covers 98% of Bexar County with 7,193 bus stops on 90 bus lines.  Transporting the citizens of San Antonio are VIA’s fleet of 474 buses, with 1,226 drivers operating them. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, transit city buses account for 34% of fatal collisions in bus accidents.

Common Causes of Bus Accidents

School buses and city buses suffer from the same three common factors:

  • Driver Error – Distracted bus drivers. Drivers suffering from fatigue, and failing to follow proper safety requirements all fall under driver error.

The video below shows on-board footage of a transit bus driver rear ending a vehicle while he was texting while driving.

  • Mechanical Failure – Buses are like every other vehicle. They require routine maintenance and scheduled replacement parts. Negligence in maintenance can cause a mechanical failure resulting in a bus accident.
  • External Factors – Poor road conditions, bad weather, and other careless drivers, fall under factors that are out of the driver’s control.

Bus Accident Attorneys at Davis Law Firm

If you or a loved one has been serious injured in a bus related accident the attorneys at Davis Law Firm are here for you. We are here 24/7 to listen to your case. Our team of legal representatives offer free consultation at no risk to you. Jeff Davis is the San Antonio personal injury lawyer that is here for you to fight for what you deserve. Contact us today!

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