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Child Support Non-Dischargeable by Bankruptcy

Home | Personal Bankruptcy | Child Support Non-Dischargeable by Bankruptcy

Finances are something that every family worries about at some point. With the different monthly bills that families have to pay, it is no wonder that many people struggle to pay the bills. The economy has not made paying those bills any easier. Sadly, a large number of families have now found themselves upside down on their homes with the recent collapse of the housing market. This means that they owe more money on their home than it is actually worth or own more than what they can sell it for. That fact, combined with the high amount of unemployment has made it almost impossible for many families to keep up with what they owe. The inability to pay the bills and keep up with what you owe may force you into bankruptcy in some situations.

Bankruptcy is increasingly popular but should only be used as a last resort. Many people rush into the process without getting properly informed on what the process consists of and how it can impact the rest of your life. Something that people do not realize is that just because you file bankruptcy it does not mean that all of your debts will be forgiven. There are a few different types of monetary obligations that you cannot escape including child support and student loans.

One debt that many people forget to take into consideration is child support. Child support is non-dischargeable by bankruptcy, meaning that you cannot be forgiven for the debt that you owe associated with child support. The support that these payments give to dependents is very important and should not be forgiven even in extreme financial situations. Even in extreme monetary struggles, these payments can mean life and death for dependents, without which they may not be able to afford life’s necessities. The bankruptcy laws rightly require that these payments continue despite a pending or approved bankruptcy.

If you have questions about debts that can and cannot be forgiven by bankruptcy, you would likely benefit by hiring a bankruptcy lawyer to help you through the process. A bankruptcy lawyer has experience with bankruptcy cases that you do not and can answer any questions that you have. A lawyer can also help you through the process of bankruptcy and in meeting all of the laws and other requirements that are associated with filing for bankruptcy.

About the Author: Jeff Davis is the Owner of the Davis law firm and a highly experienced San Antonio bankruptcy attorney. To find out more information about a San Antonio bankruptcy lawyer, please visit

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