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One Mistake That Could Cost You Thousands During an Auto Accident

Home | Personal Injury | One Mistake That Could Cost You Thousands During an Auto Accident

Most people make mistakes in the aftermath of an auto accident. And this is hardly surprising; it’s a stressful event to experience. But don’t let that post-accident adrenaline cost you when it comes to collecting for damages. Everything you do will affect the overall outcome of any claim you make.

In order to protect your rights and get fairly compensated for what happened to you, you’ll need to stay calm and take the steps below.

Check on Passengers

Safety should always be your first thought after an accident. Think about yourself and the condition you’re in first of all. Then if you’re able to, and your injuries don’t make it impossible, you should check on the passengers in your car.

If anyone is hurt, you should try to reassure them and then request an ambulance when you call the police. If there is another car involved in the accident, and you can get to it safely, you should check on the passengers and driver in that vehicle too.

Call the Police

Calling the police is what you should do as soon as you’ve checked on everyone who was involved in the accident. When they arrive at the scene of the crash, you shouldn’t let yourself feel pressured into giving them a statement.

You will most likely be in no fit state to recall everything that happened in the crash. It’s important to remember this because many people give statements too soon after the crash.

One thing that you definitely should do when the police arrive is exchange insurance information with the other driver. When you do this, it’s best not to say too much to the other driver because what you say could damage your chances of getting compensation. Also a very important thing to note is you should do this in the presence of the police officer for an extra layer of security.

Visit a Hospital

Because of the adrenaline in your system after an auto accident, many of the injuries you sustain are not noticed to begin with. This is why you should always visit a hospital and let a doctor check you over.

This is something that should be done even if you don’t feel like anything is wrong. You never know what kind of problems might be lurking under the surface.

For many people, it will be obvious that an injury has been sustained. If this is the case after your accident, make sure you request an ambulance when you call the police. This will allow you to get the treatment you need as quickly as possible.

No matter how you feel, you should make sure you see a doctor at some point after the crash. The consequences of not doing so can be terrible for a number of reasons.

The Risks of Not Visiting a Hospital

So, what are the possible consequences of not visiting a hospital and seeing a doctor? To start with, not seeing a doctor in the aftermath of the crash could damage your chances of getting compensation.

Claims always have more chance of being successful if you get checked over by a doctor. You can also do more damage to your body by failing to get your injuries treated as quickly as possible.

You can still make a successful claim for compensation if you failed to see a doctor after the accident, but it becomes more difficult. It’s even more important than ever to hire a good local attorney to look after your compensation claim if you didn’t see a doctor.

You can’t afford to make any more slip-ups if you want to get the compensation that you’re entitled to from the accident. When choosing a lawyer, find one that cares about your case. You don’t want to be just another case added to the pile.

Why Hire a Lawyer?

There are many different reasons why hiring a lawyer is the best option when you’re looking for compensation. If you were involved in a crash with a commercial driver, such as a delivery truck, the company would use their own lawyers.

So, if you don’t have your own lawyer to rely on, you’ll be at an immediate disadvantage.

Choosing to represent yourself can take a long time, even years. So, it’s probably not the best idea for most people. You don’t have the same level of experience as a real lawyer, so the outcome will be put at risk by your lack of experience too. You should focus on getting your life back on track and let your lawyer think about the legal issues for you.

Jeff Davis Is Here 4 You! 

We always want you to drive safely. Remember to be aware of your surroundings, minimize your distractions, and pay attention to proper school bus protocol. Should you find yourself in need of a personal injury lawyer, you can always contact us at (210) 444-4444(956) 444-4444 or (361) 999-9999. Davis Law Firm is here 24/7 for you! Our team of legal representatives offer free initial consultation. 

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