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4 Factors Causing Car Accidents

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Car Accidents are Big in Texas

Texas is among the list of states with the worst drivers in the country. Major cities like Houston, Dallas, and Austin are ranked among the top 20 major U.S. cities with the worst drivers. So many inattentive drivers on the road gives new meaning to the term “Defensive driving” when it comes to avoiding car accidents.

Car accidents not only put you at risk of serious injury, but are also a stressful to deal with. Even a common fender bender can take months to move on from. Talking with insurance adjusters, filing a claim, and waiting on a body shop to repair your vehicle. It’s a hassle that one doesn’t need in an already busy schedule. It’s not just about being okay after a car accident it’s about avoiding the accident all together. Here are 4 common factors that cause the majority of traffic accidents and car wrecks in this country. Learning about these factors can potentially help you in avoiding  a situation that can cause a car wreck.

Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving

We have all seen the public service announcement that says “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving” on the highway. Buzzed driving is anyone who drives a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .01 to .07, which is under the drunk driving BAC of .08. Even though a buzzed driver may be under .08 that does not mean they are capable of controlling a car or truck the same way as if they were sober. You can get a DWI (driving while intoxicated) which ranges from receiving a fine to jail time.  To find more information about drunk driving laws visit the Texas Department of Transportation’s website.

According to the NHTSA, hours between midnight and 3 am are the most dangerous to drive because they have the highest number of drunk drivers. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety also states that 31% of fatal drunk-driving accidents occur on the weekend. Stay alert when driving at night and on weekends to avoid possible drunk drivers. Be proactive if you plan on drinking by choosing a designated driver, or calling a taxi or ride sharing company to insure you get home safe at the end of the night.

Distracted Driving Via Text

Currently, 47 states have a ban on texting and driving according to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association. Texas introduced its ban on texting and driving late 2017. The ban is to encourage drivers to use hands-free devices instead of using their hands to text or talk on the phone. Multitasking has been proven as a myth and shows that we cannot do two things at once. We either focus on driving or we focus on the phone, but we cannot do both. The sensation of feeling like you can do two things at once is in fact just your brain rapidly switching between tasks. That is why distracted driving is so dangerous, because anyone who is busy looking at their phone is not driving the vehicle.

Speed Kills

The National Safety Council announced that 2017 vehicle fatalities topped 40,000 for  the second year in a row for the United States.  In 2017, over 9,500 people died in speed related car accidents. Higher speeds require higher concentration and Texas has one of the highest posted speed limits in the country. Speeding is also a leading factor in teen drivers. According to Teens Driver Source, 21% of teens car accidents were caused because they were driving too fast for the road conditions.

Advanced Safety Technology

Even the most alert drivers can be put in a dangerous situation while trying to avoid a reckless or distracted driver. That’s why modern technology is working hard to make vehicles as safe as possible for drivers and passengers. To reduce parking lot fender benders and pedestrian accidents backup cameras will be mandatory on all vehicles starting in 2018. Electronic stability control became a standard safety feature in 2012. What ESC does is apply braking power to individual wheels to prevent a vehicle from spinning out during extreme maneuvers.

ESC has reduced the risk of fatal single car wrecks by 50%, and reduce the risk of fatal rollover accidents by 80%! When in the market for a new car, truck or SUV should research what kind of safety features their preference in vehicle has to offer.

Davis Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys Fight 4 You

Getting into a car accident is something we try to avoid every time we get behind the wheel. However, the unpredictably of life can sometimes put us in these types of situations. In the aftermath of a terrible accident, personal injury attorneys at Davis Law Firm are here 24/7 to listen to anyone who has been seriously injured in a car or truck wreck. Our legal representatives offer free consultations at no risk to you. Jeff Davis is the Texas lawyer that will fight to get what you deserve. Contact us at (210) 444-4444, (956) 444-4444 or (361) 444-4444 today.

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